The Amazon Go Store Experience

A review, from the customer perspective

Andrea Marchiotto
11 min readApr 9, 2018


Big question: with the Amazon Go pioneering technology, is the Dark side winning?

Disclaimer: please note this report is a collection of personal thoughts, data points and a few quotes from experts. All info is publicly available. The content hereby written does not reflect in anyway the position of the company I work for.

Dear reader,

I had the pleasure to visit the very first Amazon Go Store recently and have decided to write a review about this experience, from a pure customer perspective. Without further ado, find it below. I hope you enjoy it.


[in case you don’t have time to lose]

Amazon Go is the first automated grocery store that promises no lines, no checkouts, no registers. What it promises, it delivers, and it goes even beyond expectations. If that’s the future of grocery stores, once tried, I think anyone would be happy to embrace it open arms. Both the online and offline experiences are great, seamless, frictionless, lean. It is like when you experience first or business class in flight for the first time. After that, you don’t want to look back. The implications of such technology are huge: in a no distant future we might see more shops leveraging this incredible and silent technology. Meanwhile, governments will need…



Andrea Marchiotto

Web3 enthusiast, passionate about eCommerce, new business models, and generative art. Support cool stuff: