Amazon Press Release

How to smartly create a different kind of business plan and increase your chances of success for your product idea

Andrea Marchiotto
6 min readSep 22, 2018


Stealing with pride. Are you familiar with this terminology? It means “it’s okay to take ideas from others“. This is not what happens in this article. It is more about intellectual recycling. :) Although I am familiar with the concept of press releases at Amazon, I decided to partially copy some of the concepts, learnings, and words (which can be publicly found online) others wrote. In full transparency, I am giving credit to the authors when needed. Now enjoy!

Dear reader,

With this article about how to write a press release the same way Amazonians do, I am sharing some techniques and personal recommendations that could…



Andrea Marchiotto

Web3 enthusiast, passionate about eCommerce, new business models, and generative art. Support cool stuff: