Fireside Chat: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation in The United States

How to run innovation in a corporate setup? What is the smoothest way to navigate uncertainty? Why are experimentation and internal venturing important for risk mitigation?

Andrea Marchiotto
10 min readAug 28, 2021


Corporate innovation — Think outside of the box
Corporate innovation requires outside-of-the-box thinking. Credit: Kaboompics .com, Pexels

Disclaimer: Please note this article is a collection of stories and personal recommendations. The content hereby written is related to my experience and the experience of the people I interview, and it does not reflect in any way the position of the company I currently work for.


The experiment: Business Knowledge Sharing Sessions

Dear reader,

With this article, I continue my series BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE SHARING SESSIONS. These are educational knowledge-sharing sessions that I organize within the corporate venture I lead at my company. I invite internal and external experts, business leaders, professionals, digital specialists, to share their knowledge and expertise with the team and a group of colleagues (more information about the experiment in my previous article…



Andrea Marchiotto
Andrea Marchiotto

Written by Andrea Marchiotto

AI Entrepreneur, passionate about new business models, emerging technologies, and generative art. Become a member at project

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