Top 10 key learnings from my experience in a corporate accelerator

Life in a top incubator is tough. But lean start-up methodologies can be applied even in large organizations

Andrea Marchiotto
10 min readFeb 16, 2018


(Out of) focus while listening to the pitches… :)

Disclaimer: please note this article is a collection of personal thoughts and data points. All info is publicly available. The content hereby written does not reflect in any way the position of the company I work for.

Dear reader,

This is the very first article I write on Medium. Let’s start!

After three full months, around June 2017, my experience at the Innoleaps Corporate Accelerator @ Startup Bootcamp in Amsterdam came to an end. What a great experience! Something I will definitely remember for the rest of my life. Although I cannot share any detail about the projects I worked on, due to confidentiality, I am happy to share some key learnings that I hope you can find useful, especially if you are looking for changing the ways of working in your company and fully embrace the “new” way: lean startup, agile movement and innovation accounting, mostly used by startups and tech companies. So, without further ado, let’s see point by point:



Andrea Marchiotto

AI Entrepreneur, passionate about new business models, emerging technologies, and generative art. Become a member at project